Tug of War

I took H a long walk this morning whilst MrsT went for a 5km run. We were over the railway into the Glen so she could cool off in the water.

Afterwards my sister popped by with her Cockapoo and the two H’s played happily in the garden. I love H’s eyes here as she is determined to keep hold of her toy.

I then popped to my mums. She moves house next week. At 79 I thought she was crazy but she is really looking forward to the move and will be closer to my sister.

I took some stuff to the tip for her.

L has gymnastics this afternoon. She’ll get out early for a BBQ then I will pick up the FiL and drop the girls off at the Usher Halll as they are off to see Ben Fogle whilst the boys play 2 hours of ten pin bowling.

We’ll pick them up at the end.

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