Laburnum Arch

Despite yesterday’s events, I’m determined that this morning will see a trip to Bodnant and the glories of the  Laburnum Arch - now in its prime. The weather’s perfect, and an early entry is likely to give the rare opportunity of a clear view - and of course, with a Bank Holiday looming, it will be our last chance for several days. 

It’s a slow walk, but well within my capabilities, and of course, the arch is truly glorious, a tunnel bathed in gold as sunlight streams through the yellow racemes, their gentle perfume filing the air.  I blipped this scene almost exactly a year ago, and just as then, I’m torn between the iconic shot, and more abstract shots of yellow glow. Of course, I took far too many of both types. 

Last year, I posted the classic full-arch shot; this year, I’m being ‘different’, and posting a more impressionistic shot as my main - though of course public opinions may well change this. After all, it’s a classic view for a reason! 

And then there are the flowers on the upper terraces - the furthest that I’m going to walk today. The herbaceous border’s burgeoning with irises and poppies, and the mass troops of alliums stand tall and proud. Throw in the aquilegias and some tiny astrantia, and I’m really spoilt for choice. 

Last year, I posted the classic full-arch shot; this year, I’m being ‘different’, and posting a more impressionistic shot as my main - though of course public opinion may well change this. After all, it’s a classic view for a reason! And of course there are extras - a definite Bodnant ‘set’! 

Thanks so much for all your kind supportive comments this week - and particularly yesterday; I’m afraid I’m way behind in responding to comments (though I know you don’t expect this) and I’m also slow in getting through your journals. Hopefully, I’ll catch up this weekend. 

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