The orchard hedge

This is a quick back-blip of a photo from yesterday - Thursday - to catch up before I start downloading and trying to select and edit some of the huge number of photos I took today (Friday). I took a few quick photos of the tomato plants and the cat, then just before clearing up my gardening things and coming inside I walked down to the orchard gate and looked over at a brief patch of sun just catching the hawthorn blossom in the hedge. It's a mixed hedge, with lots of hawthorn and elder, and the hawthorn is at its peak this week - I must return to a couple of walks which I promised myself I would repeat when the hawthorn is in bloom. I like this slightly stormy light towards the end of an overcast day - it didn't rain, but it looked as though it might.

I enjoyed a good but demanding online yoga class, and after lunch I repotted the first six Cristal tomato plants into their large pots. I keep them in the greenhouse, following a disastrous summer of blight which killed all the tomatoes the first year we were here. Since then, I grow one set of a blight resistant variety to put on the sheltered and sunny balcony, and protect the rest under glass. The plants are looking good, but I have a lot more to pot and need to keep up the pace over the next few days.

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