It was my Birthday today! Overall it was a very lovely day! Lovely presents from my sister - wool for me to knit another scarf, pots with seeds to plant up, 2 Jigsaw Puzzles, a pair of chicken socks with eggs on the toes that she knitted!!
I had a visit from the Professional dog walker in the morning - very nice young man who was not fazed by me describing the worst personality traits of Oscar! Oscar was then taken for a walk by TaiChi man. I'm always anxious as he does let him off lead when he feels it is safe. Well I was right to be anxious. He stopped off at a friends house in the woods who I know and who love Oscar- it's one in a row of houses and I always keep Oscar on a lead as there are dogs who live in one house. Well he didn't and Oscar was in the house with the door open. A woman ran past outside with 2 smaller dogs on leads and of course Oscar rushed out the house towards them barking ferociously - which scared the smaller dogs. The woman kept on running even though he called out sorry to her. I know the woman to say hello to when passing, and she knows Oscar, as she lives on the road parrallel to mine and I often walk pass her house to the woods.. Unfortunatly she has two young boys who ride bikes and play with a football - which Oscar is perturbed by so he always barks at them! So hopefully no harm was caused and she was ok with it. I have not got her number and she is not on Facebook so I can't contact her to apologise. I'm so pleased I've arranged a professional dogwalker as he will take over TaiChi mans 3 days with Oscar.
Even though I have clearly and repeatedly told both walkers about Oscars triggers, they obviously thought they know better than me, and I feel like they have me down as either overly anxious or incapable of training him. They have now both experienced just how suddenly things can go awry. It's not that Oscar is aggressive, for he meets people and other dogs quite happily - but certain people, dogs and situations trigger his protective mode. That is the breeds innate nature - they guard sheep in the mountains! I love Oscar to bits but if I had known more about the breed and not just gone on The Exiles knowledge of his mum, I would not have bought him! However I know his triggers,keep him under control when I see anything that he may react to and only let him off lead when I am in places where there are no other dogs or people. I am constantly vigilant and will bring Oscar to heel, stopping if necessary until an unknown dog has passed. Maybe it's a man "thing" - dismissing me as a mere woman, overly confident in their abilities, unable or unwilling to asses situations for their risks. For whatever reason they stress me more than Oscar does!
Anyway the rest of the day went much better. Colourful Mai dropped by with a present and I had a good catch up with her. Then in the eve The Coven arrived! Vegan Jo, Partygirl and The Angel! I treated them to an Indian Takeaway to celebrate my birthday and say thankyou for all they have done for me since my accident. It was a great evening that went on till midnight! I have not spent so long with them for over 4 years due to my anxiety/ IBS/Covid - so it was a very positive way to celebrate my 60th!
Perhpas the best birthday gift was finding out the annoying, overbearing couple who gave me such grief over the planters I had built in the backlane are moving to Wales! Good riddance I say!!!
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