PMA Day 4

Apart from a sweaty couple of hours spent weeding the garden, I have had a laid back kind of day. 

I am not quite sure how I managed it, but well, hell. Perhaps it was the mint tea last night (no other "herbs" were involved). Perhaps it was because I had a really good sleep. 

The Wee Runt next door spent the whole day throwing stuff in a skip which had arrived this morning. This meant noise all day, and on other days that might have wound me up, but not today. 

It might mean their 9 month bomb site project is drawing to a conclusion. 

Did I mention before that he has a "builder's bum" problem? If I look in his direction at the wrong time while he is out there banging about, it really is the stuff of nightmares. 

This evening I enjoyed my first strawberries from the garden, and for once in my life remembered to Blip them first. 

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