
We've managed to turn today into another long day. We got up at the crack of dawn and drove down to Inverness to buy some toys (lawnmower, pressure washer and hose) sufficiently early to allow me to be back in front of my laptop for a 9am meeting. Many more meetings followed on from the first one, and it was a bit of a day of one step forwards and two steps backwards.

In the afternoon, I got a bit distracted as Mr A started power washing the path at the back, so I helped out a bit here and there. We all ended up filthy (that is to say both of us, and also all of the tools and the back door), but the path looks amazing. The 12 inch high grass has also been tamed.

We abandoned ship and left all our tools in the garden so that I could go swimming at Shandwick Beach in the evening slot yet again. That's not something that would be possible in a city.... Everything was still there, obviously, when we came back, and I've stowed the stuff either in the garage or in the storage box we've put in the garden.

At Shandwick, I made a first attempt at using the new Go Pro, and one of my pictures taken from the beach is in the extras. We also appreciated the return of the old Go Pro, which has some amazing video on it from after the moment when it came off my head and went in the sea! Mr A has promised to edit it.

The blip was taken from just where you turn off the B road to go to Shandwick, overlooking Easter Airfield. The last couple of days it has been wall to wall sunshine, but today was by no means as sunny. But it made for some brilliant light both when we drove out to Shandwick, and on the return.

Swimming at Shandwick is a glorious way of bookending the working week.

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