Evening Grass

Last night I got in from our meal out at about 1130pm and then for some unknown reason stayed up chatting to Mr K until about 1am and then I went to bed and read for half an hour.
So I felt really good when Miss L came in at 6am!!
But lovely Mr K got up and I went back to sleep until 11am and I felt much better!
I was awoken with the news that Mrs Z and Mr K were expecting us within the hour!!
The Mr K's were off to another geek fest (Collectormania at Stadium MK) and then to another super-hero action film fest (Iron Man 3)
We managed to get there within the hour and a half and had a scrummy lunch which the Mr K's couldn't eat fast enough in their haste to don their pointy ears and go and be with their brethren!!
Mrs Z and I had a relaxing afternoon with the kiddies out in the garden and then I took Miss L to a school party at a nearby gymnastics centre.
Miss L had a fab time and I was very proud of the way she handled her first party gluten free. I took her lunchbox with snacks and treats for her and intercepted trays of gluten laden goodies.
After a while I left her to her own devices and was very proud when she stared longingly - and for quite a few seconds too long! - at the tray of biscuits as they came round but didn't take one.
Bless her, she's making a good start at getting on with it!
Once the little people were in bed Mrs Z and I relaxed with pizza, beer (me) and wine (her), mini Twirls and Crunchies
We watched The Voice which seemed to be on for about five hours and then ate biscuits, more chocolate and pistachios with the Mr K's when they got in.
Suddenly it was 1.20am and we thought probably time for bed!

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