
Another glorious day weather wise. I have shade in parts of my garden while the wildlings play in the sunshine.  

Lots of positives at work this morning.  Also a extra bruise or too. 

I was like a tomato with hair when I cycled for the wee wildlings at nursery.  
I got giving Carson's personal learning plan folder to have a look through.  He's been attempting to try some new foods at nursery. The do ' a kiss, a lick and a taste '. With each new food. So I have not long tried that with him with a early dinner.  He attempted soup for the first time . I showed him me doing a kiss etc with it and in the end he dipped his finger in 5 times in total and locked the souo of his finger. Yip its a waste of a bowl of soup but he tried it. So that's a huge positive.  

Harp got the all clear on her bloods the other day. So that's great news. I'll arrange a eye test for her to see if that's what's making her fall over. And PandieB suggested her ears too. They're very waxy anyway.  So now we wait for her chest x-ray and paediatrics.  

The wildlings are getting chucked in the bath very soon. I'm hoping Mr R comes home before 9pm tonight.  I've been awake since 3ish.  The jedi was having wee bad dreams through the night.  So I could do with a early night.  

Harp and Carson enjoyed a play at the small Park earlier.  

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