
By Flossmo

A small gift

It was a slow morning. The electrician came to correct the unfinished tasks from the day before. He insisted that I double check everything he had done and apologised profusely for the previous day's failures. Finally, finally I think I can declare the bathrooms finished... although Mr Flossmo is now re-painting the window frames and door frames... (see extra for a glimpse of the main bathroom).

After the electrician had gone I spent a while re-hanging pictures and returning items to their places. I still have the delicate task of putting my perfume bottles back on display. I am waiting for the right mood for that. 

Early afternoon I had a pleasant hour with my creative writing group after which I suggested to Mr Flossmo that we should get out for a walk. Just as we were about to depart I spotted a small gift that Sky had brought us. The frog was immobile and I wondered if he was still alive. Not waiting to find out Mr Flossmo got the frog rescue kit out (see extra), captured Freddie and took him out into the garden releasing him over the pond. Tasting freedom Freddie kicked his back legs a couple of time and disappeared under a rock. Embarrassingly, the photograph shows that my floor has not been swept recently...

After the frog rescue episode we drove over to Farnham Park and spent an hour walking up and down the undulating area. It makes for good exercise. There were a few folks taking the air but not too many. We would have liked a cup of tea at the golf club but there were a couple of errands that we needed to run so we set off to do battle with the traffic. It wasn't quite as bad as expected.

Once home, I had another volunteer Zoom interview to do before I crashed on the sofa and promptly fell asleep.


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