Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Joanna & Vincent

I'm spending a few days in beautiful Connemara, Co. Galway, this week. I drove down this morning: 5 hours of great country roads, fantastic scenery, blazing sunshine and torrential rain. With good music turned up loud that's pretty much a perfect day for me!

I was supposed to have a pre-wedding shoot on the beach this afternoon, but the couple cancelled at the last minute because they had too many wedding details to finalise - to be fair they are getting married tomorrow! Thankfully the second pre-wedding shoot went ahead with this couple, Joanna and Vincent, who are getting married on Thursday.

Tomorrow and Thursday's weddings are going to be almost exact copies of each other: preparations at Renvyle House, ceremony at the local chapel, a Guinness in Coynes pub, portraits on Tullycross beach and the reception back at Renvyle. When I'm so far from home, that's a crazy coincidence! I couldn't believe it when they booked consecutive days. It will be a bit of a challenge to make the two sets of photos look different, hopefully the brides will have very different styles to make my job easier :)

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