Pink azaelia

We moved this azaelia into a pot in the yarden in 2020 when we started our pandemic back garden makeover. It has been very happy here ever since, so it's staying. It was looking so lovely in the sunshine this afternoon that I decided to blip it.

Normally I would have spent this morning at the gym, but I thought that I was developing a cold last night when I went to bed sniffling with a headache and a sore jaw. I therefore decided to take it easy this morning instead.

After I saw off our overnight guests, I tidied up a little, then settled down to read the draft findings chapter of Marina's PhD thesis. My reward for this was some time digging and replanting in the garden from late afternoon until early evening.

Tonight we spoke to Clarissa on FaceTime to plan the details for our forthcoming weekend away in North Yorkshire.

Exercise today: none other than gardening.

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