Kitty Car

Well I managed to get round to the jobs I did not do yesterday due to locking myself out. I have now put all my Winter clothes away and taken the Summer stuff out of storage. My wardrobe is organised to make it easy to find things and to make sure they get put away in the right place after washing. 

A few things have gone out to the bin and more are bagged up to go to a charity shop. I also discovered that all my cropped trousers and shorts are too big! Do I go buy loads of cakes, or new trousers...

A visit to my Dad this afternoon as usual. The Occupational Therapist was there and she had a more detailed picture of what is happening with my Dad than the nurse I asked yesterday who only had a very vague outline from his notes.

They are planning to move him to another hospital for physio and to help him get his strength back. This will not be in Lincoln and will involve travelling by train (Or bus) when I visit. Then after that a care package will be put in place as befits his needs when he is released. This seems a lot more hopeful and reasonable than what I was told yesterday. I'm not asking any more now...

My Dad is quite resistant to having outside help. I didn't think he would be as he'd said he'd have been happy to have help when my Mum was at home and they were struggling. He said it was all down to her being so aggressive to people - maybe he was hiding behind her rather than admit his reluctance then... I have made it clear to him that it will be necessary though...

After I left the hospital I still did not have a great deal of steps on my FitBit so I walked up to Tesco for salad and coleslaw to go with a jacket potato for my tea. I think they have stopped doing their "Finest" coleslaw - there was none last night and none again tonight. I couldn't see a space for it on the shelf either. So I'll have to make do with the regular stuff!

This photo is just a detail on a car I walked past on my way to the hospital. The only photo I took today!

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