I was feeling very tired this morning, emotionally and physically, so just sat and read my book and then went out to take a couple of photographs in the garden.

Our “No Mow from May until September” grass is liberally sprinkled with daisies, so I thought these could have their fifteen minutes of fame on Blip.

Apparently, when daisies are in someone’s garden and unwanted, they are called weeds, but when they bloom in meadows and valleys, they are common wildflowers.

However, for me they are little beacons of happiness and they are welcome in our grass - in fact, they bring back many memories of sitting in the grass when I was a little girl and making daisy chains.  How uncomplicated and easy our lives were then!

“Where innocent bright-eyes daisies are 
     With blades of grass between, 
Each daisy stands up like a star 
     Out of a sky of green.” 
Christina Rossetti

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