The Reason I Teach...

A day out today to play 'Lincoln Monopoly' with work. The aim is to travel round to places and get a photo of your group in front of it to gain points.
Whilst in the grounds of Lincoln Castle (quick drink stop and a few photos), I was approached by several SEN pupils that I used to teach several years ago. It was lovely to see them all and to know they were moving along in their education and lives. One of them introduced me to their accompanying teacher and said, "This is an important man in my life. He taught me my times tables. Because of him, I know that 12 x 12 is 144". Must admit, I got a bit internally emotional at this point, but kept that to myself...
That is the difference some teachers make - that is why I do what I do. Changing lives for the better is the reason I do it every day. I don't want to be remembered as the person who taught someone something (although that is lovely), but the fact that they remember something I taught them because of how I taught it, they use it, and they gain another step towards independence is, for me, the reward of teaching...

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