Soggy Alium.

It's raining.
I have a garden with plants.
I have a house.
I have many children.
I'm happy with all this. Even being excited at half price plants.
I seem to have developed a sensible grown up head all of a sudden.
When did this happen?

Am I proper grown up, wise and sensible?
I aren't fed up or depressed. At all.
But my fun, silly, funny bit seems to be hidden. Or bogged down.
I want to be a bit daft, carefree and not have to worry about others.
I have no worries of my own, and I am truly grateful for that.

Did a week in Vegas with no kids, responsibility to others or stuff to do, turn my head?
Or am I being bogged down with other folks crap?

I think the latter.
I need to feel like me again.
And fast.

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