
I went in to London today to meet up with some ex-work colleagues at The Founders Arms near Blackfriars Bridge. It is a lovely location and, for once, the pub wasn't particularly busy this afternoon.  The age of the group members meant that a lot of the conversation was about health issues etc, but we took encouragement that we were all still there and hadn't lost a group member since we last met six months ago.

While in the area, I took the opportunity to visit the British Press Photographers' Association annual exhibition - showing the best press photography over the last year or so, including pictures of the royal jubilee and funeral, pictures from and about the war in Ukraine, political figures, sports events, etc.  There was some very fine photography.  The best press photographers manage not just to picture an event, but to find an original and exciting viewpoint or approach. 

The exhibition was held at the Bargehouse, part of the Oxo Tower Wharf development.  I am not sure what the building was originally used for, but it now looks to be in a poor state - "raw" as the web site describes it.  It was the kind of building Urbex photographers seem to favour, except this one is open to the public and used (apparently) for a variety of events.  It certainly made an unusual exhibition space, although the lighting was not great, particularly on the third floor where all the windows were boarded up.  Dark, sombre prints could be quite difficult to see.  However, they were impressive, large prints (probably16" x 24" or larger) all framed behind glass or acrylic.  Worth visiting.

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