
By AlrightFlower

Back again...

... at York Hospital, for my ultrasound scan this morning. I was going to ask the doctor if he scanned all the pregnant ladies as well, but then I noticed that they have a special ultrasound department, so I guess mine was just for people with something wrong with them! While I was waiting, another lady came to sit in the waiting area - she was wearing what I thought were black socks but, while we were sitting there, she started to take them off!! I realised then that they were compression socks and noticed that the veins in her feet were really prominent and very numerous. This wasn't what made me look anywhere else but at her though - after she'd taken the socks off, she sniffed them surreptitiously before stuffing them in her bag. Eeeuuuuwwwww.

Anyway, the good news is, I have the all clear. Definitely something salivary, definitely nothing to worry about. Woo hoo!


This mosaic tree is in the reception area of the hospital - it was created last year, under the supervision of Lesley Seeger, by patients undergoing dialysis in the hospital's renal unit.

Unfortunately it's not a very good pic, as I used my phone (for some reason I felt uncomfortable getting my camera out inside the hospital) and I think the washing machine has done funny things to the picture making magic inside...

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