
By KCNQ2Haiku

Teabag boy

Leo knows how to
create worry and concern.
He ate a teabag!

I took Leo into town to fetch fish, he had a good old sniff of all the grotty pavements.  I turned around and he had an old soggy teabag in his mouth.  I bent down with a treat to distract him and he immediately decided it was too juicy to relinquish, so he chomped on it and in one hahwumph he had eaten it whole :-/  I headed home, fretting quietly that I think I've read tea leaves are Not For Dogs.  At home I googled (that was just scary) and then called the vet phone helpline.  They said I should take him straight to the vets.  Oh dear.  So I rang the vets but they said just to keep an eye on him.  Any serious vomiting, diarrhoea or weird breathing and to bring him in but he'll probably be OK.  Funny how you can get two such different bits of advice but hey.  I watched him, he was quite quickly sick but it just seemed like he'd brought the teabag back up, which felt like a positive and he's been fine all day.  Photo is him playing in the garden after tea.  So I think it's all just been a Storm in a Teacup!  Ha ha! 
Ben has been OK, a little on edge but nothing major.  Exams are still trundling on. 
Social worker update from Sunday:  she emailed this morning saying she changed her mind and hasn't left after all.  Just boggling.  So who knows what the next instalment will entail.  Watch this space :-/

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