East and West

Started the day with a cold damp haar enveloping the city. Early catch up meeting then walked down to town for a Board meeting, that ended with some VR experience of what the hall will be like once it’s built…exciting! Home and another catch up meeting then did some tidying up (a more wholesale clear up is needed before my next house swap next week but I wasn’t in the mood to start it yet).
E and hazelh came over and we set off to Glasgow via M’s. By now the weather had improved and the haar lifted, and it just got better as we drove west. It’s apparently been lovely sunshine all day there!
We had a great evening, with a feast of food and a book we all enjoyed to talk about (The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’Farrell), although as always the topics of conversation ranged much more widely. This was us getting ready for the main course, checking for dates of our next meeting, counting the dishes on the table, and generally chatting.
Straightforward drive home, at one point overtaking and blocking a bus to let hazelh jump out and catch it home. The bonus was finding a parking space right outside my door - result! As I got into bed got a text from A...she has (finally!) got Covid. First time for her, despite having worked in hospitals all the way through the pandemic years.

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