Accetto solo cuori

STRAVA 50km Walk Challenge Finished

Just read the optional theme for 'Tiny Tuesday' is mechanical. Not wanting to re-shoot just to qualify or have the better shot, am blipping this detail shot which actually contains something mechanical (mini train from T's old monopoly set ) just not in focus in this image. 

Took details of a corner of our home office before assisting T to prepare for class/school earlier with the intention of highlighting our names (Thor and Sofie) and faded prints.

Last year on Blip  : 
It's Faith, my first cousin and her eldest daughter Rain. Behind them was T's then cabin which has now been demolished by Gramps' crew. 

Better photography of Rain done by B and myself in our site:

Rain (by B)

Rain (by Pi)

 Always grateful for family.  good foodnature, gym membership  and space.

P.S. Title is Italian for "I only accept hearts"  (Referencing to the phrase our small family  has been hearing on repeat during days which are more challenging than usual, and as to why I requested to permanently delete Facebook).

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