Paint sample

A bit of a last minute blip today! I’d picked this up at B&Q yesterday to try out the colour in the hall. I’ve got until July to choose a colour for the decorator to use, but July will come around quickly so I’m trying to sort it out now. This colour is called Sundance (I think?) and is a nice warm yellow. We’ll see how that looks. The decorator suggested Valspar paint so I’m going with that.

We had another day without the library management system at work but it was finally restored as I was doing my late duty this evening. They’d had to turn off all network and internet in order to solve the problem so I was expecting some complaints from students, but they’d been warned so the library was actually pretty quiet this evening. And in the end, the network was back up within half an hour so it wasn’t too bad. Thank goodness it’s sorted - tomorrow we can catch up on all the tasks we haven’t been able to do since last Wednesday.

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