Last one standing

Birthday roses, almost three weeks old, normally they don’t last this long but I think the house being a good bit cooler has helped them along.

I was catching up on the weekend newspapers when a headline jumped out at me, “don’t mess with my curls”.

Now bearing in mind this is a country with constant power cuts, frequent water outages (not that they affect us thankfully), a police force that would rather confiscate the belongings of vagrants than fight real crime, a nonexistent post office, military that can’t fly their planes because they are broke, rail services are almost defunct, only one machine to produce drivers licenses for the whole country and it is often broken, a currency that is tanking because the government are devoid of morals, I guess you are getting the picture.

Well, Home Affairs, that is also a challenge, managed to have the time to photoshop the hair on the passport photograph of a girl because her curls didn’t fit the picture.

You really can’t make this up!

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