Techie issues resolved. Yay!!

My human really was in the worse mood ever, last night, after her laptop mouse failed to work. It's not like she uses her laptop a great deal she has an ipad & iphone but what she does use her laptop for, is writing. And at the moment she is writing a lot.

Long story short................... After two trips to 'St Ives Techie' they had sorted her out and she was up and running again. Phew!!! They really are the best. Oh, and I got treats too. How lovely was that?

I had my normal morning walk along all the beaches this morning to check out the sea conditions for Ann to have a swim.

And then I got a walk along the coastal path this afternoon.

And then I snoozed 'home alone' while Ann met her friend, D, for a couple of drinks in the Pool club. D came back from a holiday in Spain a few days early because the weather and other things were so awful.

Our weather app is showing sunshine for the next couple of weeks. Yay!!!

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