A dramatic day

Gollum didn't "go to the toilet" Saturday at the World Championship. It didn't worry me too much. He can skip a day sometimes. Still nothing on Sunday morning though - but he was happy and full of energy, so I still didn't worry too much. After our performance at around 11 AM, I took him for a longer walk in the parking area with lots of space for a good run.... Still nothing and I did start to worry a little. 

This morning on our morning walk... still nothing, so at 8 AM I rang the vet and got an appointment at 9 AM: 

Gollum has an enlarged prostate that blocks the stool. As long as he had an active life with lots of exercise and play, the body succeeded in pushing the faeces past the prostate, but when he went to the World Championship and suddenly went for shorter walks on a leash and spent all day in his cage to protect him from all the turmoil around him, so that he might preserve his energy for his performances, then the whole thing came to a standstill and he became constipated.

So he has been to the vet 3 times today, is on 2 different types of laxative and we walk and walk and walk in an attempt to help him get it all started again. 

We are all exhausted now. Today was meant to be a day of rest. 

Luckily I reacted quite quickly, so he is not feeling unwell. He is tired from 5 days away and all the walks (an of course the stress of going to the vet every 3rd hour), but he is happy, wants to eat and play.

I must admit that all this brought back some terrifing memories from when I lost Hero on my way home from Crufts to something that looked a bit like the same. 

So despite of my happy picture, the World Championship was soon put behind us and life's harsh realities returned!

Fingers crossed that all looks better tomorrow. The vet is optimistic, but says that it can take 2 - 3 days to get better.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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