things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


I was at my garage by 8:30 am today to leave it for the MOT - all good thankfully. I had a lovely walk back home through the woods. I was hoping to find young tawny owls but instead, I found a great spotted woodpecker nest. I hid in a bush by the path and just watched for a good while as the adults came to feed their young. Maybe 3 juvs & all very noisy!

Alarming to find almost no bees/insects on all the flowering hawthorn around here.

Good sand martin news - our local wildlife officer went up to the site today & spoke to the site people. They had already figured out that it needed to be left alone. So the sand martins tunnel on & hopefully breed. Yesterday there were 6/7 holes, today is double that :) 

Sand martin extra.

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