A busy day in two halves

Today was busy. I drove across the Cotswold hills to Bourton-on-the-Water to meet fellow blippers Aliscotia and her husband. We’d been trying to meet for some time, but my health had got in the way until now, and what a fun time I had.

I didn’t pick up my camera and have relied on Rob (aka Longshadow) to mark the day with the blip of Ali and I in their garden. We’d spent hours chatting and all getting to know each other which was fascinating. Longshadow had to disappear at odd times to continue a photography job involving his studio, lighting and a pair of amazing sunglasses. Happily he succeeded as can be seen on another of his blips.

I couldn’t stay till late as I had to return home to do some chores before spending the evening at an event. This was the Stroud Town Council Annual Meeting and the Town Awards. Just before Helena went away on holiday to Madeira recently she heard that she had been nominated for one of the various Awards and I volunteered to attend in her stead, as was her good friend J..

It turned out she was one of four people nominated for the Inclusivity and Diversity Award. Each nominee had their name announced and were then asked to go to pick up a certificate from the Mayor, Stella Parkes, and have a picture taken with her. Then the winner was announced for each of the six categories and a photo was taken of all the people in that category. I duly stepped up and said a few words on Helena’s behalf. 

I was also rather surprised when the Stroud Shambles Market was the winner of another category altogether, and two of my fellow market stall traders collected the award. I stood up in the audience and took a photo of that group, which I’ve added to the ‘Extras’.

So all in all I had a long but very good day. When I got home I spoke with Helena and told her what had happened. I think she is still a bit bemused.

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