
By HeartFreek

I hate 'Self Portrait's !

I'm running out of words for the Challenge blips and knew I would have to do this one eventually!!!

I took loads, posing in the bedroom mirror only because I love that mirror then walked down the stairs all disappointed that I couldn't get the right shot and thought 'by jove, there it is!!!'

So this is me, surrounded by Hearts even the bathroom canvas print of a Heart I drew in the sand on holiday in Lanzarote is in shot!

And those are our time sheets on the side there, waiting for me to get my ass in to gear and go and deliver them or we don't get paid next month! That's the trouble with Bank Holidays - its messes up your well laid plans! Mr W usually delivers them on his way to his Monday job. Its now a 60 mile round trip just to get paid!!!!

Happy rainy wet soggy Tuesday back to work all, but I'm happy, we are out to dinner with fiends tonight so no cooking for me!!!! just as well as I have totally destroyed the kitchen in an attempt to spring clean it!!! I have oiled the work tops so there is stuff everywhere else!!


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