and through the wire...

By hesscat

Currie Woods

This afternoon we were off to Currie Woods for a walk, I like to try and visit once a week, and this was Mrs C's first time since the new paths were put in, which was like aaaages ago. Every time I come here I take a photo similar to this view with the hope of blipping it, but am never happy with it. Most of the walk is up and down with varied terrain, but this section is a very flat slope leading down to the river. I guess most of it is marshy, so maybe that has levelled it out over the years, decades, centuries, but I stop and admire it each time, you don't really notice walking the clockwise route. I decided to not take any other photos, so I had to blip it, but I think this time it is a portrait so looks better, which is just as well. Hurrah, finally that blip ticked off the list. 

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