Happy Belated Birthday H!

Today I have not visited the hospital as this afternoon we were due to head over to see Jeri and family at Retford to belatedly celebrate Horatio's 14th birthday. Grace joined us too, but no Sophia this time as her second year Uni exams start tomorrow. It was a lovely relaxed occasion.

H and his cake are my Blip for the day - the hand gesture may or may not be rude - I am not sufficiently "Down With The Kids" to know one way or the other!

We have not done a lot else today though I did manage to find a recording of Wigan's game from yesterday to watch this morning - very enjoyable, though it would have been very nerve-wracking to watch live. We have Warrington in the next round - that will be a very tough game.

Minstrel has entertained us tonight, attempting to hunt a large fly! He's also had a good sleep on my lap!

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