Lala's Journal

By Lala


I had agreed to meet three ladies from the MW group for breakfast, and it was a good move. It made me get up and shower etc, or I think I wouldn’t have bothered today. I walked Dog before I left - photo. Breakfast was nice and we chatted easily. As we had chosen a garden centre I bought the compost I needed and a few plants, then on to the supermarket to stock up with essentials. 

I’ve pottered and then sat, pottered and sat most of the day. Whilst the weather is lovely, and I got the plants potted up etc, everything about it, and the ‘pottering’ in the courtyard reminded me of last year. Several times, I realised I was crying, without even thinking of anything in particular. 

I spoke to all three boys today, because I have been stressing over the anniversary. We are all taking the day off work and spending the day together. 

I’ve not mentioned my knee before, but for two weeks it’s been very painful, and yesterday,  all the walking didn’t help. I had assumed it was arthritis, although I’ve not had it in that knee before, but this evening my hip hurt too when I sat down. I did google, and now I’m wondering if it’s that sciatic nerve again. 
I guess it doesn’t really matter what it is, I just want it gone!

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