Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

The Passage of Time

Look at the size of him!
Such a lot has happened in the 5 (yes, FIVE) years since I last Blipped (I'm sure my last entry was this chap and his sister as kittens).

I started typing a list of stuff I've done but, in reality, the only thing that matters is that on the 14th March 2020 my husband died. In an accident. Left home that morning and never came back.

The 3 years (THREE YEARS ???) since have passed in a blur ... sometimes fast, and sometimes feeling like time has stood still.
One thing I can be sure of though is that Richard would be proud of me continuing to do the "stuff" I started listing.

I take photos all the time (mainly on my phone). I really should come back to Blip. I managed to Blip daily for four years, maybe I'll try for another four

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