
RowPorty and Eastern joint Regatta went really well! The sea couldn't have been any calmer, the atmosphere was great, and the weather dry but not too hot for racing. 
On top of the "normal" races, we also had a blindfold race (the cox is not blindfolded obviously) which is great fun and forces the rowers to really listen. We also had an Andy's Race, named after Andy Jarvis who believed in the community spirit of Skiff rowing and offered his services to any crew that would have him so, for the Andy's race, each club provides a cox and one rower (usually) and the rest of the crew is made up of rowers from different club.
We also took part in the Paddle-out against sewage protest that took place at lunchtime. 
I did two races, one of which was the Andy's race. When not racing, I spent most of the day at the food stall. We had an enormous amount of food, so could keep th stand replenished almost until the very end, yet most of it was sold! 
A brilliant day and the rain only came when all was over and we were celebrating in the local pub (extra)

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