Shake a tail feather, baby.

I was in the gym early this morning, Only Ann was there, and by the time Cath & Des arrived I had almost finished. When it was time for me to leave, I had  a  good luck hug from them all, which was nice. I won't be going to the gym for at least a week ( having the procedure on my nose )and I will miss it. I watched this Mallard (I think it's a Mallard) asleep on a rock in the middle of the river. I must have watched him/her for at least ten minutes and it didn't move at all. I think the rock he is perched on. looks like a leopard, or maybe a tiger, what do you think. I think he must have been sleeping in the sunshine.  The walk home was hot, to say the least, so I was glad to get home and change  my clothes. I won't be doing much this afternoon.

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