River Itchen

This morning the sun was shining so we quickly decided  to go on a circular walk to Shawford  village and back (about six miles). There was so much  to see and hear of the  natural world along our way.  We were accompanied by Sedge and  Cetti's warblers, Chiff- chaffs and  Wrens  beside the river Itchen, while in more scrubby areas there were Blackcaps, Yellowhammers and  Whitethroats singing loudly. The Hawthorn blossom was  out in profusion, (see main blip) and I particularly liked one bush with pink flowers in St Cross meadows. (see extra). We also found Twayblade just  coming into flower on Yew Hill butterfly reserve. Sadly not many  butterflies on the wing, but a few early  damsel flies by the river. 

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