If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Aquilegia "Spring Magic Pink and White"

A very busy day.  8:30 round at the village hall helping set up the plant sale tables etc.  Then off to the Lodge for the usual Saturday routine.  Drop off Laundry, do some shopping, fill up the car, and finish packing.  Among all that we popped into the village hall at the time the sale should finish to help pack up.  It was deserted, they had sold out packed up, and gone home.  There must have been a lot of interest going by the number of plants there when we left and donations still arriving.

The blip is a slightly emergency blip taken on a quick look round the garden.  It would seem there are a series of Spring Magic Aquilegia plants covering a range of colours including Puples, Pinks, Red and White.

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