Loft club

Up and out for a swim at Arundel Lido, twas lovely. Then home to buy fishes, quick shower then Jay took me up to the train station. Rosie was thrilled with the train, she made friends with two American ladies from Texas and gave one a full on kiss with tongues. Happily she (the lady) laughed a lot and took a picture to send to her Texas based family,

Anyway, then some productive loft club which is now a slick well oiled machine. I have even started a boot sale pile rather than chucking everything down to go to the tip. Todays finds- my exercise book from jan 1976, including drawings (never my string point), many more school notes- Clare offered me her A level History notes given last month I thought I fancied doing a history alevel. So last month though.

Two car loads to the dump and then we were done, ready for tasty food and drink stuffs. And I reorganised a mixed bunch of flowers into a nice selection of separate vases- this one from west coast us apparently.

Home on the bus, got to the front seats by Lancing, all good!

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