
I worked from home today, so usual routine.  My day started with a pre-work walk,  It was a  really lovely morning so I risked going out without a coat.  There was still a cool breeze. 
I had a busy day at my laptop, so busy that I didn’t make it out for a lunchtime walk, which was rather annoying, given it was a nice day.  At least I got my washing dried – one of the benefits of working from home. 
BB has been studying all day – getting more stressed by the day/  poor lad.  The exams will soon all be over – thank goodness. 
I made tea using up a trout which TT had been gifted!  Later I went for a walk as it was still a lovely evening, and was pleased to spot a hare (just the one today) and a deer making its way through a field. 
These new leaves were looking very autumnal in the evening sunshine.  Chestnut “candles” in the extra. 

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