
We decided to go to Bowness. It's been a year since we went. Once there we realised why we havent been. It was busy! 

Lots of space in the carpark but a headache trying to get a parking ticket as the machines dont take cash 
. Luckily for me someone kindly showed me the sequence.. pressing yellow, red  and green buttons and arrows up and made me feel old!  Oh technology!  

The path we usually walk along was blocked off ( a long dug up trench.. gas works?) 
We had to walk the long way round the mini golf course and it was warmer than we expected so I was concerned for Fletch. 

The place we usually stop outside for coffee and a pastry was cordoned off ( gas .. or sewage ?) So we made our way up to The Angel. A peaceful sanctuary. We sat inside as it was cooler and spent a pleasant hour having a light lunch. 

We decided against the planned walk as it was too hot for Fletch. 

But we found out that there was a way through the mini golf course so we went in there. Fletch got a second wind and perked up as there was shade under the trees and fresh grass to roll in.

I didnt take any photos so blip is one of our 5 clematis flowers that grows in the hedge. That's one more flower than last year!  The flower is enormous , about 7 inches across. 

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