
By Thepainterswife

Yes,,it is COLD!

We knew this cold blast of weather was coming, because the weather man on TV told us....but still , it is sooooooooooo cold outside today!

I had to do another school helper job today as the Year 8's had a day out at a Leadership seminar and I drove some of the kids there in my car......this is a blip of the temperature outside on my cars dash-board just after mid-day as I was on my way back there to pick them up again. ( I was stopped safely at the traffic lights as I did this...although I did think of it as I was driving and for a minute thought of doing a quick click on the iphone...bit dangerous!)

Now there is snow falling outside as I write this, it is only 4pm and it is almost dark out there...Ella is hoping for snow on the ground tomorrow to stomp around in.

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