In My Woodland Garden...
... I get a moment of peace in a busy day.
My beloved 50-year-old acer palmatum atropurpureum has suffered this winter and at least half of it has died. That means I no longer have a cool canopy over this little bit of the garden. The plant was gifted to me in a pot when a friend was moving to a home with no garden. This is the third place it has lived with me!
I am frantically packing for an adventure (and not the floating variety!) but we took time off to assist with the setting up of our village's annual plant sale in aid of the church. It's the first time we've been involved but we can't do much at the event as tomorrow is our lodge cleaning day. We transported tables and unloaded plants from people's cars.
Did anyone in the north see on the news that a cat I blipped had been granted the freedom of Hexham for it's service to mental health? It already has the animal equivalent of an OBE.
Blipmeet Date: 15th June. Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, Penrith.
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