Small White

At least that's what the book says!

Have had an interesting day!  In the morning got stuck in to cleaning the kitchen, shifting everything on the counters and washing everything down.  Hard work but satisfactory when finished.

We were waiting for Emma to arrive when along came Rhona.  We sat out on the deck and then Emma arrived, followed by Cali who was on the way home from Kilmarnock and came in for a wee visit.  Then Irene arrived..... full house!  We had to leave to go to do our food shop with Emma, as she had an appointment later, so had to cut it short.

I was in M&S shopping when Meconopsisblue approached me.  We have never met although we correspond regularly through Blip.  I was delighted to meet her, and hope we can manage a blip meet sometime soon.

Home to unpack all the shopping and have coffee on the deck.  

Saw this little butterfly on the Honesty plant, and thought it might be suitable for Flower Friday

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