Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil

Fender bender

Yes, as car bumps go, this is nothing major. Thank goodness for that. However...... Grrrrrrrrr

I was in a garden centre park (along with half of the world) and some dozy bat reversed into me. I had nowhere to go and she didn't hear my blasting horn because her "tunes were kicking". Never has it been said that Radio 4 has caused accidental bumper damage. Let that be a lesson to you Miss Kickin' Tunes.

During the obligatory exchange of details she announced, to me and who ever it was she was continually speaking to on her vagazzled iPhone, that she really didn't need this today. I assume the implication is that I toured the car park looking for someone with whom to share a disrupted morning. Seriously??

She then followed me for 10 minutes, still on the damned vagazzly phone the whole flipping way. SERIOUSLY???

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