They Just Popped Out

From bud to flower virtually overnight, the Lilac.
But they are higher, smaller and fewer in number this year.
Maybe because it had put out loads of 'suckers'.
Having taken this shot I thought I would take a couple of Dandelions in and photograph them out of the wind (I had to resort to flash to get a sharp shot of the Lilac). I took in a clock and a flower and lo and behold a tiny pollen beetle. He didn't fancy having his picture taken though and very quickly legged it. According to my micrometer, that cutting mat is 1.75mm thick so at a push the beetle is 2mm long (including antenna), so I think I did not too badly getting and shots as it was really motoring.....

I finished the cat (in the extras). I quite like the down-turned mouth - which is just a happy accident.
I always swore I would never do another one with a tail as I don't have a suitable tool, but this one actually turned out not too badly.
It is going to one of my long term meal recipients ... a very nice woman who loves her cats.

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