Strange raspberry flower

Yesterday I was sitting on top of my bed in the afternoon doing some writing, and suddenly Mr Magpie flies into my bedroom (The door was open into the garden) and stands on my bedside table looking at me. I look at him, tell him he's not meant to be in my house, and he turns around and flies away. He was less than a metre away from me. I didn't have my sound processor on, so I have no idea if he 'spoke' to me but his beak didn't open, so we'll assume he didn't. I then decided to cover all the items in my bedroom with tea towels (they were the nearest thing to hand) just so he couldn't steal them. I don't know whether that will work.

This morning I was out early because I had blood tests. It is a non fasting blood test. I explain to the lady who was trying to find a vein that my veins are a bit difficult. So she stopped, what have you drunk yesterday... tea and water I said...what have you drunk this morning...tea and water I say.

Next time you're due for a blood test she tells me, knock off the tea the day before and just drink water and on the morning before the blood test knock off the tea and only drink water. You can do what you want when you get back home you can drink all the tea you want but do not drink tea the day before the blood test. Why I asked? Because tea shrinks the veins, dehydrates you and we can't find the veins if you drink tea. Drink water the day before and the morning of the blood test and you will be just fine she says and proceeds jabbing me trying to find a vein.

(When I got home, I googled what the phlebotomist had told me, not to drink tea the day before or on the morning of the blood test because it shrinks the veins, and nothing I can find online corroborates what she said and told me to do)

It is now 9:00 a.m. and I go to the chemist to pick up my missing meds, I have the owing form in my hand. But there is already a long queue. They appeared to be looking for medicines unsuccessfully again. But what it does it turn out to be is that there are no meds for the customers. Quite a few people walked out with no meds and they had a bit of discussion with the counter assistant but I wasn't quite sure what was going on. There were quite a few people with owing slips and they presented them, and they were told something and they walked back out with their owing slips and no meds.

I presented my slip and I was told to go and wait at the front of the chemists and so I sat on my walker.

About 20 minutes later the counter assistant comes out, (and I have no idea why I had to wait for so long just for this), and she tells me that they are not in. So, do I come back in next week, I asked? That won't be much point, the counter assistant said. May I ask why I said.

The counter assistant looked every which way except at me. Because they won't be in, she said. And why won't they be in, I asked again. Because they won't be coming in again. I saw no point in asking anything any further because people listening are beginning to stare at us by now, because I was the only one who asked so many questions. And the counter assistant looked like she wants to get back on the other (safe) side of the counter.

I am stunned. I didn't feel safe asking more questions in the chemist. I go to bed when I get home. I am tired anyway after waiting in the chemist for so long.

Just woke up 2pm. I feel like I am wasting my day and time again. A part of me feels like I am giving up when all these problems arise, and just going to bed. But I am tired

I have a lot on my plate this 2 weeks and I need my energies just for that. And to top it off, something else is coming up which wasn't supposed to happen until September, but is now happening next week, and I just do not have the energy to deal with all this September thing which is now next week, they insist on me providing some more paperwork asap....they have already had the paperwork, but want it again.

Anyway when I woke up, my head had already thought of a couple of strategies on the missing meds, which I shall set in motion, when I have some head space.

Wildlife nighttime video.
The foxes were very active this night, but did not disturb Midnight.
Two new young foxes in my garden.
One has black front legs.

This Creative is a raspberry flower. It appeared from nowhere into my garden last year, and grew vigorously. The raspberries were not very palatable, and Google told me it was a foreign raspberry. But I cannot remember the same, and Google this year is telling me it is a blackberry, but the flower is wrong.

Now, I am going to find my hidden bottle of sherry...

Have your best day...

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