Less and more

Less.... Bizarre than yesterday 
More.... Conventionally nice

Less.... Amusing
More.... Run of the mill 

Less.... Katie..? 

Yesterday's photo was bizarre and made me say outloud "what on earth?" and laugh. Today's is more "normal" and made me smile, but not in the way yesterday's weird did. 

This weirdo is just unique, wonderful joy. She was supposed to be ready for ballet when she sent this photo. She was, as it indicates, not ready for ballet! 

Wednesdays are a busy busy day for her at the moment. Great but busy. Fabulous example of why vocational school is the place for her... 

630am swim squad 
8am choir
Bassoon lesson
Piano lesson 
Academic music 
3pm - 3 hour symphony rehearsal 
7pm ballet rehearsals 

I'm not sure what she'd think if she found herself landed in a school of thousands, with a standard academic timetable... Actually, I'm pretty sure I know what she would think! 

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