Living the dream day 6

Roger drove us down to the port and partly up the hill to a bit of rough parking he uses to give us a bit of a start to our short (5 mile, 750ft ascent) walk. It was really nice. First we went off the road and up through pines to the torre at the top, built as a lookout for invading corsairs. It still had the Moors and Christians flags on, left over from the celebrations. (Mr C is still totally deaf in one ear from the bangers the young men threw at our feet on Monday). We walked out a bit from where we could see the lighthouse.

We retraced our steps back to the road and followed it along and up, olive groves and small old houses on each side, the sea tour left and some hills on the right. Then it became a rough stoney track, climbing zigzags up through terraces of olive groves and past a pinnacle. Roger said at the end of the park there would be a man selling orange juice from his terrace overlooking the cliffs. His terrace was locked up and we could go no further on the path because it was closed owing to land slips. We retraced our steps and enjoyed our packed lunch overlooking the sea far below.

On the way back we hurried as the clouds were hovering ominously on the mountains behind the house. However I had time to read my book while Carol made some phone calls (apparently the flood in France is being dealt with by a concierge and most of the stuff seems ok, but they might fly from here to Geneva to check before going home.)

Although the clouds hung about, the sun appeared on and off so Roger turned his magic key and the pool cover retracted, leaving me nice warm water for a swim. I’d only done 20 lengths of the 40 foot pool when the rain started so it was a rush to get all the seats with their cushions covered.

Tonight we are going out to a fancy restaurant with a tasting menu and paired wines. I won’t be surprised if Roger orders fish and chips. Or, if brave, patatas bravas!

Ps. We had a delicious dinner which is blipped (with Carol and Roger).

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