Young Head on an old body

After work this evening a trip to visit Mum and a catch up with her . She is doing fine and was telling me she had had a check up at the hospital the other day on her pacemaker good to hear it is doing its job. She was also telling me that her Neighbour who has been in hospital for 4 weeks has sadly been diagnosed with Leukaemia .
After  leaving her flat I went for a quick walk to find a blip . I spotted this Swan with 7 young cygnets on the river . I took a few shots but had to go with this fun one as the parent was getting some weed from under water and it looks like it has a young head with the perfect timing capturing it at the right time.

Back home for a relaxed evening and just watched the 2nd championship playoff where Coventry have just beat Middlesbrough 1-0 to book their place in the final against Luton 

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