Bison grass (Hierochloe odorata)

happens to grow in our garden. This phenomenon, in spite of its unintentional introduction, makes some people a little envious of the fact, although I am quite happy to give them some to plant so that it can overrun other gardens too. Ours came from D's aged auntie, who had some Mock Orange, which D fancied in the garden here and the Bison Grass hitched the ride from her garden. It made itself very comfortable here before finally being identified. I sometimes pick it when it is looking good and dry it out. It emits a specific, pleasant odour whichrenders its use as a food additive illegal in the United States, where 'Bisongrass Vodka', made in Bialystok, as a result of its coumarin content. There the same product is flavoured with something else. You can put a couple of strands of this gress in a bottle of vodka and after a while it changes colour slightly and becomes Bisongrass vodka. I have never bothered.This bunch is getting a bit dusty, along with whatever is is suspended with and maybe it's time to part company with this particular bunch.

The day could be described as moist, which didn't add to the pleasure of planting the final row of potatoes. A few more vines were also planted. Maybe some of them will become established. They will need watering regularly until then. The varieties are Polaris (white), Rondo (Red) and Marechal Foch (Red).

I actually finished the order for more quinces. There should be quite a few different ones.

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