
Since having been to Orkney I have become a little obsessed by that dear little bothy we saw abandoned on the island of South Ronaldsay (I think that is where it was).. I blipped it on 3rd April  So for the past couple of days I have been doing postcard sized sketches of it .. I like this one although it is not quite what I had in mind.. I will keep at it but in the mean time share this one with you lot!
The tiler arrived good and early again and has finished the job.. he won't be back now so that is a step in the right direction.  The plumbers will grout the step around the shower which the tiler had forgotten he needed to do tomorrow once the fixative has set firm.  
Four young chaps turned up and they man handled the 4ft x 6ft+ piece of shower glass up onto the flat roof (with the help of my husband who had a lifting tool as their nylon rope was not man enough) .. having got it up there they then had to lift it at an angle (quite high in the air) in order to put it through the velux window on the bathroom ceiling!!  I wanted to go out and leave them to it but my neighbour was out so I had to stay put.  Thankfully the process went without injury to body or glass and now it is in the room... phew! Tomorrow it will be fitted. The rest of the day saw them install the sink and attach the pump and shower ready for the shower parts to be fitted tomorrow along with the glass... then... we might have a shower fit for use!!  To say I am excited it an the lack of sleep will now not be due to worry about the glass but instead excitement at having a walk in shower!!!  

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