
Clive sliced through his safety gloves and nipped the top of his finger this morning. (Of, not off!) He was not happy! Neither was I because the thought of it made my knees buckle. We soon realised that very little damage was done and could be managed with a plaster. 

Later, we had an appointment with a financial advisor. That was interesting.  Clive knew most of what he was telling us. I glazed over a couple of times but, at the same time, asked a couple of sensible questions. Food for thought before we go back. If we sign up, the fee is £200 per hour or 3% of our fund which is a lot of money! 

Nigel has an animal visiting his patio at night and leaving a deposit.  I took the trail camera round to see if we can find out the culprit.  

Sylvia taught Hetty "Hi 5" by bribing her with treats.

I also spent time gardening around the lower deck which is a sun trap. I gardened til I became too hot.

We've bought a big posh pizza to share for tea and it's not even the weekend.

Weather has been lovely. 

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